Preserving our past for our future
Designated Landmark (March 16, 1967): St. Nicholas Historic District, aka Strivers Row, West 139th Street between Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and Frederick Douglass Boulevards. Photo by Solana Lynn Mahabeer
Protecting, preserving, and celebrating Harlem’s irreplaceable heritage
Save Harlem Now! advocates for designation of individual landmarks and historic districts in Harlem, for contextual zoning in Harlem, and educates the public about Harlem’s architecture, history, and culture.

Designated Landmark (August 11, 1981): Astor Row (Nos. 8-62) Photo: Melanie Nanez
Designated Landmark (July 13, 1993): Mother African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, West 137th Street between Malcolm X and Adam Clayton Powell Boulevards. Photo: Solana Lynn Mahabeer
Harlem must be saved, before it’s just a memory
The work to save Harlem is URGENT. We must protect Harlem from aggressive developers, who are quickly changing our landscape’s face.
Save Harlem Now! Preservation Conference 2022, supported by the Ford Foundation. Photo: Akinfe Fatou
We need you now, more than ever
We need your interest, we need your time, and we need your donations. Please get involved…now!
“Congratulations on securing landmark status for Minton’s, something that should have happened long ago! Everyone in the neighborhood appreciates your leadership on this issue, as do I! We would love to show our appreciation…and discuss ways to advance your work to landmark the rest of those historic districts proposed in that early CB10 report. Thank you for your leadership!”